Careers Vision Statement

At Springfield, our vision is for every pupil to find the right next step and to have developed the skills and sense of responsibility needed to forge a career in an increasingly globalised, technological and evolving world.

Key Contacts for Careers Guidance

Our Careers Education and Provider Access Policy can be found here

View our learning journey here

At Springfield School, we support pupils as they navigate the increasingly diverse options available to them. Through giving pupils the impartial information and opportunities they need to understand academic and vocational pathways, we empower them to make informed decisions.

Springfield School is a strong, aspirational community and staff work to broaden pupils’ horizons and inspire them to achieve their goals and ambitions. Our careers policy and practice is underpinned by our core values and our intent to help our pupils become independent, environmentally aware and global citizens.

Springfield School is committed to providing all students in Years 7-11 with a stable Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme, which includes supporting activities to provide them with information about career opportunities and employment. The programme is designed to be progressive: each year, students will build and develop on the knowledge and skills that they have previously acquired. The programme is guided by the Gatsby Benchmarks, thus ensuring best practice.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are designed to ensure students:

  • Receive a stable careers programme from Years 7 to 11
  • Learn from career and labour market information
  • Have their career education needs addressed
  • Can link curriculum learning to careers
  • Have meaningful encounters with employers and employees
  • Have experiences of workplaces
  • Have meaningful encounters with further and higher education
  • Receive personal guidance

    The current careers programme is delivered through:

  • The PDL programme
  • The curriculum
  • Assemblies
  • Employer visits to school (at least one employer visit for every year a pupil is at the school)
  • Apprenticeship provider visits to school (we plan for this to take place every year a pupil is at the school)
  • Further and Higher Education visits to school (we have positive relationships with local colleges, a service level agreement with the University of Portsmouth and are part of Oxford University’s “Universify” programme, as well as Southampton University’s Brilliant Club)
  • Work Experience (Year 10)
  • Careers 1:1 sessions with a qualified and independent Careers Adviser in Year 11
  • Group careers sessions with a qualified and independent Careers Adviser
  • Careers/higher and further education workshops and trips


      We regularly organise encounters with local colleges, universities, apprenticeship/training providers and employers, both for whole cohorts and for smaller target groups.

      Please see the provider access policy for details about the current school year.

      Parents and carers are always welcome to provide feedback to Ms Burden via the main school email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      We regularly review the careers programme through the PDL pupil and parent questionnaires and focus groups, and through feedback gathered after key events and from local providers.

      The school would be delighted to hear from any parents/carers who can offer assistance with talks, work experience or mock interviews.

      Our Careers policy and curriculum is due for its next review in February 2027.

      Overall, at Springfield, our careers policy and practice is guided by the principle that:

      The future depends on what you do today.


      Useful Information for Pupils in Years 7 and 8

      Useful Information for Pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11

      Information for Parents/Carers

      Useful Links for Staff

      Information for Employers


      Assembly - Post 16 Options

      Cover Letter Template

      CV Template

      CV Example 1

      CV Example 2

      Learn Touch Typing for Free

      Jourmalism Careers Guide




