Springfield School is part of The De Curci Trust. The Trust delegates certain powers and responsibilities to the school’s Local Governing Body (LGB).

Springfield’s LGB makes decisions which are in the best interests of the young people in its care.

In summary, its role is to:

  • Continually review and assess the overall provision, development and effectiveness of the school.
  • Offer challenging and constructive support to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.
  • Assist with and review the implementation of certain delegated school policies, such as behaviour.
  • Act as a key link between The De Curci Trust and the broader Springfield School community.
  • Provide advice and information to the Trustees on the functioning of the school.

The Headteacher, who is also a Governor and Trustee, is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school. The Local Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the school and provides advice and positive support to the school’s leadership team.

To get in touch with the Local Governing Body, please contact Jean Loy, Clerk to the Governors, via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Local Governing Body Information 2022/23

Local Governing Body Information 2023/24

Local Governing Body Information 2024/25

The De Curci Trust Full Local Governing Boards (LGB) Terms of Reference for Trust Board Committees 

The De Curci Trust LGB Behaviour and Safety Committee Terms of Reference

The De Curci Trust LGB Curriculum and Standards Committee Terms of Reference

The De Curci Trust LGB Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Local Governors (Current)

Governor - Alan Cufley

Co-opted Governor

Special Responsibility: Chair of the Local Governing Body, Y11 Link

Sub Comittee Membership: Behaviour and Safety, Curriculum and Standards

Term Ends: 31/12/2026

Governor - Chris Batstone

Co-opted Governor

Special Responsibility: Whistle Blowing Link, Year 8 Link

Sub Committee Membership: Resources, Curriculum and Standards

Term Ends: 31/12/2026

Governor - Colin Brooks

Co-opted Governor


Term Ends:  11/09/2028

Governor - Hayley Aldis

Term ends - 26/02/29

Governor - Jag Jethwa

Co-opted Governor

Special Responsibility: Safeguarding & LAC Link, Y10 Link

Sub Committee Membership: Behaviour and Safety, Resources

Term Ends: 31/12/2026

Governor - Jason Chipper

Co-opted Governor

Special Responsibility: Vice-Chair of Local Governing Body, Year 10 Link

Sub Comittee Membership: Curriculum and Standards, Behaviour and Safety

Term Ends: 11/02/2027

Governor - Sara Spivey

Headteacher, Governor

Sub Comittee Membership: Behaviour and Safety, Curriculum and Standards, Resources

Term Ends: -

Parent Governor - Pete Budd

Careers Link

Term Ends: 26/06/2028