Pupils choose their KS4 options at the end of Year 8. This is not an unlimited choice as we still expect the majority of pupils to follow the EBacc suite of qualifications - Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Science, a Humanities subject and a Modern Foreign Language to GCSE accreditation. Pupils can choose from a range of GCSE subjects, such as Sociology, Photography or Drama, for example, as well as more vocational BTECs and OCR Nationals such as Health and Social Care or Travel and Tourism.

The options process begins in the autumn term of Year 8 with a Parents' Information evening followed by a Year 8 Careers Day, careers work through tutor time and, in the spring term, a range of 'taster' sessions of subjects with which Y8 pupils will be unfamiliar. This, as well as an Options Fayre staffed by older pupils, is all planned so that Year 8 pupils are informed and knowledgeable about potential pathways before making their choices.
A second Year 8 Parents' Information evening is held in March whereby the Options process is explained and final guidance is given. Parents and pupils are communicated with regarding their choices in the summer term ahead of commencing their pathways in September of Year 9.


Mr Wharton, Deputy Headteacher