Springfield aims to provide a relevant academic curriculum which supports pupils to become responsible citizens, well-equipped for the technological and global society in which they will live.  

Our curriculum is broad and balanced. We encourage pupils to take part in a range of subjects and also to extend their learning through participation in the wide variety of sporting and creative activities that take place during lunch-times and after school during period 6. Trips, social enterprise activities and ‘focus days’ all enrich the pupils’ experience.

An extensive personal development programme, which includes SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) development and PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education prepares students positively for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the values of democracy and to respect those people with different faiths and beliefs.

The vast majority of our qualifications are GCSE (level 2); although the school does offer some level 3 programmes in Further Mathematics. Pupils make their options choices at the end of year 8 such that they have three years over which to be prepared for their GCSE assessments.  

The majority of our pupils are expected to study GCSE qualifications which ensure they have access to the English Baccalaureate.   Therefore, in addition to their core subjects, the majority pupils are required to study computing (or ICT), Humanities (Geography and/or History) and a Modern Foreign Language (French or German) at GCSE level.  Where appropriate, more vocational subjects such as BTEC will be offered.

If you would like further information about the curriculum in any subject please contact your child's subject teacher.  Details of the school's KS4 current courses, including GCSEs, are available in the Options section of the website.  Details of the curriculum programmes from Year 7 to 11 and post-16 are available in the Learning Journeys section of the website; and our Music development plan is also available. 

Curriculum Statement of Intent