Country: Somalia

Located: Africa

Life Expectancy: 53

Population: 15.01 million people


‘Total dependency ratio: 97.4 (2015 est.)

Youth dependency ratio: 92.1 (2015 est.)

Elderly dependency ratio: 5.3 (2015 est.)’ 

0-14 years: 42.87% (male 2,410,215 /female 2,416,629)

15-24 years: 19.35% (male 1,097,358 /female 1,081,762)

25-54 years: 31.23% (male 1,821,823 /female 1,694,873)

55-64 years: 4.35% (male 245,744 /female 243,893)

65 years and over: 2.19% (male 95,845 /female 150,887) (2018 est.)

Somalia, located in the horn of Africa is experiencing a very bad crisis at the moment the things going on include “Ongoing armed conflict, insecurity, lack of state protection, and recurring humanitarian crises exposed Somali civilians to serious abuse. There are an estimated 2.6 million internally displaced people (IDPs), many living unassisted and vulnerable to abuse.” (World Report 2020: Somalia | Human Rights Watch › world-report › country-chapters › somalia)

All these factors lead to the result of a very low life expectancy of 53, one of the lowest in the world.

One goal I would give to help the Somalian government is to prioritise Healthcare. Healthcare would be a very strong factor to increase the life expectancy for example in England where healthcare is free because of the NHS and in England the NHS is a factor that the life expectancy is quite high (81.8). In Somalia there are a lot of deadly diseases that in England are stopped because of vaccines.

Another reason I would give to help the Somalian government is to also prioritise education because there is a thing called the cycle of poverty

People are born in a poor family

They have a poor education

They have a poor job

Then give birth to another child into a poor family and the cycle repeats.

But if the government prioritises education people can get better jobs that they would have had previously which means they can also give birth to a child into a middle-class family and their cycle would be better.

The final reason to help increase the life expectancy is politics this is include in the education factor because if people are educated about their own government, they could decide who to vote for and how to vote which would stop riots about democracy and a stable government can decide on the right amount of taxes so that they can afford to give free healthcare and free education.

In conclusion all of these factors included could increase the life expectancy of Somalia however the government may need a little funding from a major country they are allies with, but Somalia could give the money back after they start earning enough.