
Major environmental issues currently facing Italy include, transportation and industrial sources, polluted inland waters, air pollution from energy and heating, acid rain, and insufficient industrial waste treatment. With 3.7 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants, Italy has one of the highest ratios in the world, in line with much of Europe. Italy spends a very healthy 9.3% of its GDP on healthcare and as a result ranks well for performance according to the World Health Organization. In 2019, 7.7 percent of individuals in Italy were living below the poverty line. Compared to the previous year, the share of people living in absolute poverty experienced a decrease.

The economy of Sierra Leone is that of a least developed country with a gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately US$1.9 billion in 2009.

Medical care is not readily accessible, with doctors and hospitals out of reach for many villagers. While free health care may be provided in some villages, the medical staff is poorly paid and they sometimes charge for their services, taking advantage of the fact that the villagers are not aware of their right to free medical care.                                                    

I think to improve the life expectancy and well-being of the people living in Sierra Leone the government should put a bit more money towards the healthcare of Sierra Leone as the country is a low income country (LIC) so 60% of the population is living in poverty, meaning that the villages that are charged for their healthcare will be less likely to get as effective healthcare due to not being able to afford it, leading to getting sick quicker and not being able to pay for effective medical treatment. ‘Health in Sierra Leone Wikipedia’ says that in April 2010 Sierra Leone launched "Free Health Care Medical Insurance", a system of free healthcare for pregnant and breast-feeding women and children under five. A UN population Fund representative said that medical equipment had been ordered and some drugs distributed as part of the new healthcare scheme, but the coverage was not yet 100% and even though this scheme has caused some distress in an overload of work hours it has proved to be a little bit effective as the death rate used to be 15% in 2010 and in 2019 10% so if we contribute more money towards healthcare then the death rate etc will slowly decrease. Another way to improve life expectancy is to adjust the diet, however this would be difficult as the majority of the population in Sierra Leone are living in poor conditions with low income, so they aren't able to spend lots of money on a balanced diet. The NHS says a balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health and can help you feel your best. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, this would make it difficult for the poorer people from Sierra Leone to keep a healthy diet.

I think the life expectancy in Italy is so high due to their diet, health and wealth. The healthcare system in Italy is provided to all citizens and residents by a mixed public-private system. Surgeries and hospitalization provided by public hospitals are completely free of charge for everyone, regardless of their income, this is good as it means more people are able to be treated with proper care. For planned surgery waiting times can be up to many months, especially in the big cities. In Italy a lot of vaccinations are required which means they are less likely to be affected by diseases like diphtheria, hepatitis B and tetanus, childhood vaccinations included in national schedules are free for all Italian children and foreign children who live in the country. Their diets affect life expectancy as Italy's nutritious and generally healthy cuisine ensures that Italians are well-nourished and eat good food.