After two months of remote learning at home, Springfield's Year 11 students led the way in returning to school today.  Year 11 are the first cohort to return as part of the school's phased return week, which allows all pupils to be tested for COVID-19 using lateral flow device tests.  Year 11 students had their first test last Thursday and are briefly leaving their lessons today in order to have their second test.  Otherwise, it's "back to business" as  Year 11 students return to the classroom to continue with their GCSE studies.  (This year the GCSE will be teacher assessed as all external examinations have been cancelled.)
Ms Spivey, Headteacher, said that she was delighted the students were returning to school, "We've missed having all of our students with us and it's a joy to see them returning to school once more.  While there has been some excellent learning done at home, we know that it's essential for students' education and wellbeing for them to be with each other and their staff at school". 
Year 10 return to school tomorrow, with Years 7, 8 and 9 joining a few days later in the programme after their first test:

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