Please find below a reminder about GCSE Results Day from Mr Wharton, Deputy Headteacher:

As already outlined in our letter dated 13th July 2020 (, please find a copy of the programme for tomorrow's results day:

We ask that pupils arrive at the following timeslots:

Surname beginning A – C: 9.30am to 9.45am 

Surname beginning D – F: 9.45am to 10.00am 

Surname beginning G – I: 10.00am to 10.15am 

Surname beginning J – L: 10.15am to 10.30am 

Surname beginning M – O: 10.30am to 10.45am 

Surname beginning P – R: 10.45am to 11.00am 

Surname beginning S – U: 11.00am to 11.15am 

Surname beginning V – Z: 11.15am to 11.30am

We look forward to celebrating the GCSE achievements with the Year 11 in what has been a challenging and unprecedented set of circumstances. GCSE results day is a rite of passage in a teenager's life and, despite the last few months, tomorrow will be a time to celebrate.

Could I ask that pupils respect the timescales on the programme, arrive at the Grove Road entrance at the required time and that parents do not attend - in the interest of social distancing. 

You will be very aware, no doubt, that announcements from the Government regarding GCSE results have tended to change in the last few days and that, even now, more announcements are being made and guidance is being updated. For up to date guidance please log on to the Government's website:  /

We look forward to seeing our Year 11 pupils in the morning.

Mr Wharton, Deputy Headteacher