Hi everyone,
Due to the uncertainty around school closures and mass gatherings at the moment, we will need to postpone the practice expedition. I hope that we can use the dates allocated for the assessment (June) to reschedule the practice but we will have to wait and see what happens with that. Weekly sessions will not be held until after Easter at the earliest and I will update you on the DofE Facebook page and GoogleClassroom as we know more. Finally, where possible it would be a good idea for you to continue your 3 sections, uploading evidence and potentially completing these by the time we reconvene. Please be sensible with these and do not do anything that may put your health at risk - I am sure DofE will understand a break from certain activities!!

Look after yourselves and be good!! If you have any questions, please email/ message me through the usual routes.

Mrs Whitelock, DofE Co-Ordinator