They say that schools are a microcosm of society, well the pupils at Springfield called the election pretty accurately with some caveats.  While parents were being bombarded with tweets, messages and leaflets the tutors spent two weeks patiently explaining the policies each of the main parties (with the exception of the SNP) stood for.  Throughout this week we set up the Main Hall as voting station where every pupil was given their democratic right to cast their vote. The staff ensured it went very smoothly and the results are below.

The majority went for a Conservative win (Years 10 and 11 put Labour as a majority but were outnumbered by Years 7, 8 and 9 who put the Conservatives as their winner). Unlike the General Election the Green Party did well and Liberal Democrats faired better than in reality.  Given the turbulence in politics over the last few years many pupils show a greater interest in such events which can only be healthy for the future of any country.

Mr Lomas, Head of Enterprise and PDL

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