Pompey Military Kids have asked us to share the following notices:

Information about 'Pompey's Military Kids' (PMK):  Pompey's Military Kids is a joint initiative set up by the Naval Families Federation (NFF) and Portsmouth City Council (PCC), working with representatives from various schools across the city. The Cluster Group supports Service children in a number of different ways and local schools now share good ideas and best practice through collaborative working. Events and activities are organised by NFF and PCC which bring Service children together, to encourage them to interact, make new friends and support each other. This means that there is now a network of young people who are helping and supporting each other within the wider community.

Here is a link to the NFF's new Parental Absence resource (the resource is relevant to all three services). https://nff.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Parental-Absence-Resource.pdf

If Serving Parents would like their own hardcopy, they should contact NFF directly and they will post one to them.

A study is being carried out at the University of Southampton to investigate how adolescents from Armed Forces families cope with stressful life events (both normal adolescent stressful events and events specific to Forces life). The online study https://nff.org.uk/adolescents-study/ is open to participants aged 11-18 who have a parent in the UK Armed Forces. PMK would very much appreciate support with this work, as without evidence it is very hard to encourage change.