The first Science Club of this academic year certainly went off with a bang today as Year 7 and 8 pupils made 'vinegar bombs'.  Ms Bryant showed pupils how to create the 'bombs' using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar mixed in a plastic container with a lid, turned upside down.  There were some impressive 'pops' as the lids came off and propelled the containers into the air (some of which we actually caught on camera).  Here's the science - the bubbles generated in the container are filled with carbon dioxide, a gas that forms when the vinegar (an acid) reacts with the bicarbonate of soda (a base) which creates the 'bomb'. 

A reminder to Year 7 and 8 pupils that this practical and fun packed club takes place every Tuesday in A13 - come along and join in the fun!  The club gives pupils an introduction to scientific experiments, helps them develop a love of science and gives them extra confidence when studying Science during their time at Springfield.