On Thursday, 11 July we were very excited to host a day of percussion workshops in the Music department thanks to Drum Shake Jam.  The TCC hall was alive with the sound of drumming!
Year 8 pupils really enjoyed the challenge of learning how to make the different sounds on the djembe, which is a drum originating from West African countries such as Mali and Senegal. Pupils learnt some call and response patterns and about how these are often used for communicating messages, and this was likened to sending a text and then receiving one straight back.  Some pupils eagerly volunteered to be the 'master drummer' which involved leading the group and setting the pulse. They used some helpful rhymes and number patterns to support them in learning the different rhythms, and the groups listened well to each other to play some lively West African and Brazilian samba style patterns textures. It was lovely to see several members of staff picking up a cowbell or trying out the djembes to join in, and they appeared to have just as much fun as the pupils did! Well done to all involved.
Mrs Latif, Head of Music