Year 8 have had an enjoyable yet informative day. The Focus Day was entitled ‘Personal Health and Safety’.  Outside speakers kindly came to the school to give students information and education on this important subject. We are very grateful to Gamcare, the RNLI, the British Red Cross and the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy for giving up their time today to speak to our students.

Students learned, with Gamcare, about the dangers and pitfalls of gambling, even games that do not appear to be gambling. This includes online gaming and using real money for these online games.

The RNLI spoke about keeping safe near bodies of water, potential dangers, how and when to call for help and the meaning of flags and windsocks.

The British Red Cross explained about basic first aid, including demonstrations on how to put someone in the recovery position and hands-only CPR.

Students from Portsmouth Dental Academy showed Year 8 students good brushing techniques, dental and oral care and the devastating effects of not looking after your teeth properly.

The day has been benefical to students equipping them with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves themselves in various situations and  empowering them to make informed choices.