Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended the Springfield Parent Hub on Thursday, 2 May 2024. We hope you found the sleep session beneficial.
We are delighted to enclose some more information about 'Parent Hub' and the chance for those of you who missed out to book on the next Teenage Sleep Course:
The Parent Hub has been established as a safe space for peer-to-peer support, enabling engagement with parent-carers, facilitating better access to relevant services, gathering feedback, and providing optimal support for families. A Parent Hub is held once every half term at your child's school. Please keep an eye out for more information about upcoming Parent Hubs.
You can find Information and support about sleep on the following websites
Portsmouth Parent Voice runs regular Sleep Courses. The courses are free to attend and online.  
The next Teenagers sleep course will be held on 11 June. Please book via the link below if you're interested to attend: