We have been notified that applications are now open for a summer school for Year 11 students taking place at Christ’s, Sidney Sussex and Murray Edwards College Cambridge this August. The summer school will take place from Sunday 19th – Wednesday 22nd August 2018, with meals and accommodation provided for attendees. The summer school will include a series of masterclasses by Cambridge researchers in Biology/Medicine, Biology/Chemistry, Physics, Maths, English, History, Social Sciences and Law. It will also provide an opportunity to get to know Cambridge as well as admissions information and a chance to meet current students. There will also be continuing academic support from researchers provided throughout the following school year. The summer school is open to students who will have just completed their GCSEs at a state school and will be going on to study academic qualifications in Sixth Form, either at school or college.

In line with the university’s aims for outreach activity, only students who live in areas of low participation to higher education will be eligible to apply. The university will be using the POLAR classification (https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/data-and-analysis/polar-participation-of-local-areas/) and will only be accepting applications from students who live in Quintile 1 or 2 areas. They encourage students and teachers to self-select using the postcode checker tool online: https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/data-and-analysis/postcode-search/ 

A summary of the postcodes is shown below also.

Applicants should be on target to receive a majority of 7s and 8s/9s (or equivalent) at GCSE, and will have to provide the name and email address of a teacher who supports their application.

The whole conference is free of charge (including meals and accommodation), with the exception of travel to/from Cambridge. If you require travel expenses to be able to attend, please get in touch, as some limited support may be available. Students must complete an online application form (https://cambridge.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6monZWNiIy5itUx) before the closing date of Thursday 24th May at 5pm. Places on the summer school are limited. Students will be informed whether or not their application has been successful by Friday 15th June. If they have been successful, they will then be sent a parental/guardian consent form and code of conduct which will need to be completed in advance of the summer school via email so applicants need to ensure they sign up with an email address that is accessable during the summer holidays. 

